Call for Papers

Europe has put forward ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to increase energy efficiency, and to raise the share of renewable energies. Energy Informatics is developing IT-based solutions necessary to achieve these targets.

The objective of the DACH+ conference series on Energy Informatics is to promote the research, development, and implementation of information and communication technologies in the energy domain and to foster the exchange between academia, industry, and service providers in the German-Austrian-Swiss region and its neighboring countries (DACH+).

We seek high-quality, original papers on smart energy systems and energy-efficient computing and communication.

Submissions describing theoretical contributions as well as system design, implementation, and experimentation are welcome. The list of topics of interest to the conference includes, but is not limited to:

  • ICT for energy networks, micro-grids, and management of distributed generation.
  • Energy-efficient mobility, charge management for electric vehicles, energy-aware traffic control, and smart grid integration of mobile storage.
  • Smart buildings, digital metering, occupant comfort, and user interaction.
  • Protocols and architectures for IT systems in the energy sector.
  • Data analytics for smart energy systems and platforms for data analysis.
  • Information systems for behavior change, market mechanisms, and business cases.
  • Cross-cutting issues including: cyber security and privacy protection, interoperability, verification of networked smart grid systems, and more.

Submission and Publication

Submitted papers will be reviewed in a double-blind process.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the Springer Open Journal “Energy Informatics”

The Open Access fee for the journal article is included in the registration fee.

The conference language is English and papers must be written in English. We solicit full research papers (max. 18 pages of content plus 2 additional pages for references) as well as short papers (max. 10 pages of content plus 2 additional pages for references).

Submissions must be prepared following the Instructions for Authors.

Authors names must not be indicated since the review process is double-blind. In the space foreseen in the template for authors names, please just indicate “Anonymous Author” or simply leave the fields blank. Own publications must not be recognizable as such. Cite them as “The authors of [1], [2] show …” instead of “In [1], [2], we show …”.

Papers should be submitted as PDF files (blinded, and with all fonts embedded) to the Energy Informatics 2019 EasyChair submission site.

Presentation of accepted papers at the conference

All authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their work at the conference. Papers that will not be presented at the conference will be removed from the proceedings.

  • Full research papers will be given a presentation time of 20 minutes (+5 minutes for questions).
  • Short papers will be given a presentation time of 10 minutes (+5 minutes for questions).