Posters & Demos

Call for Posters & Demos

We solicit the submission of extended abstracts describing either a poster or a demo contribution.

The list of topics of interest to the conference includes, but is not limited to:

  • ICT for energy networks, micro-grids, and management of distributed generation.
  • Energy-efficient mobility, charge management for electric vehicles, energy-aware traffic control, and smart grid integration of mobile storage.
  • Smart buildings, digital metering, occupant comfort, and user interaction.
  • Protocols and architectures for IT systems in the energy sector.
  • Data analytics for smart energy systems and platforms for data analysis.
  • Information systems for behavior change, market mechanisms, and business cases.
  • Cross-cutting issues including: cyber security and privacy protection, interoperability, verification of networked smart grid systems, and more.

Submissions must be prepared following the Instructions for Authors.

The extended abstract should be max. 4 pages long (including all figures and references). For demos, please include a fifth page describing your requirements (e.g., table, power outlet, possible space and lighting needs, wish to display a poster alongside the demo, etc.). The title of the extended abstracts should be prefixed with “Poster Abstract:” or “Demo Abstract:”.

Extended abstracts should be submitted as PDF files (with all fonts embedded) to the Energy Informatics 2019 EasyChair submission site.

Submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed in a single-blind process. Accepted posters and demos will receive dedicated slots for presentation at the conference. Accepted and presented extended abstracts will be published in the Springer Open Journal “Energy Informatics”

Presentation of Posters & Demos at the conference

The authors of accepted extended abstracts will be invited to present their work at the conference. Extended abstracts that are not be presented at the conference will be removed from the proceedings.

Poster authors should bring with them a printed copy of their poster in format A0 (recommended) or A1. Poster boards will be made available by the organizers.